Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Genetically Modified Food

What is Genetically Modified Food?

Genetically modified (GM) foods are made from crops that have been given specific traits through genetic engineering. GM foods were first put on the market in the early 1990s. Typically, genetically modified foods are plant products: soybean, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil.

Advantages of GM food

  • Crops
    • Enhanced taste and quality
    • Reduced maturation time
    • Increased nutrients, yields, and stress tolerance
    • Improved resistance to disease, pests, and herbicides
    • New products and growing techniques
  • Animals
    • Increased resistance, productivity, hardiness, and fee d efficiency
    • Better yields of meat, eggs, and milk
    • Improved animal health and diagnostic methods
  • Environment
    • Conservation of soil, water, and energy
    • Better natural waste management
    • More efficient processing
  • Society
    • Increased food security for growing populations
  • Sometimes GM crops have allergenic effect
  • New viruses could evolve from the mass production of GM crops.Pests may develop resistance to GM crops that have been designed to kill them.
  • GM crops may cause harm to the wealth and welfare of animals.
  • GM crops may produce ecological side effects (Monarch butterflies).

    How does it affect society today and in the future?

    Genetic modification is an issue which arises every day, although people are not always aware of it. At the moment there is a lot of debate whether GM foods are good or bad. GM Crops are affecting society in
    many of the foods that we buy. The most common foods are maize, cotton, tomatoes, potatoes, corn, canola, soybean and sugar beet. These food items can be found in bread, pasta, chips etc. There are laws which enforce the clear labeling of GM food on the ingredients list which is helping the consumers of our society choose what they buy.

If your interested in this topic,
you can find out more at our forum thread at SGforum
or watch :

We would appreciate it if you guys could give us some honest comments about what you guys think about the GM food, whether you would eat it/ support the production of it.

A phrase or short sentence of your's is very much appreciated
You may post a comment by clicking the title at th top(:

Thank You =]


  1. Please support this blog by posting comments.

    Do not use any profanities.
    Do not flame anyone or anything in this blog.
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    Do debate about the topic - GM food.
    A small phrase / sentence will do great help to our project.
    Nothing is wrong or right. Think wise.

  2. I wouldnt eat GM food if it is me..
    its just seem... unnatural?

  3. I will eat Gm food, cause since we ate it in our daily life and why not

  4. I will not eat Gm food, since it have some disadvantages to our body, then why will we still eat it uhh?

  5. If given the choice, I would not eat GM food. (But since we're kids, we can't decide what we're eating. Since it's our parents that decide what to buy and cook). Organic food is better but it is rather costly.

  6. I think i would support the idea of GM food, as it is like, we have it in our daily life, then some of us already eaten it before le, then like since we eat it and nth goes wrong, then why not continue eat it,eat le also wont die, its not as costly as organic food right, so expensive, like everyone can afford it like this, if the poor ppl then they eat what sia right?, we cannot say like this mah, right? , haha

  7. and since it have side effects but there is nth that happen so far right?, so beleive it!, haha

  8. yeah lor i fully agree with LOVE!, machiam we will die like this, if die then alot ppl die liaos right?, this is so stupid sia, like nth happen right?, then why still so timid dont dare eat siol, eat le die then say nvr die right?, you open the newspaper you got see anyone eat GM food die meh?, dont have right?, then why dont want eat leh, save alot money leh, organic food very costly like what winnie said, right? haha

  9. not having the side effects now
    doesnt mean that new diseases
    wouldnt be produced

  10. but till now we dont havee any new disease or side effects right?, if it will prroduced diseases then why government have promoted on it, right?, they want to harm us meh?, dont you find it weird?, if there is something wrong, how will the government sell it out to us, am i right? haha

  11. hmmmm, i think i wont eat the GM food as it may have some side effect/disease that may harm our body, then why take the risk leh, haha, though theres no newspaper showing that doesnt mean dont have right, using more money to buy organic food then buying GM food is more worth it la, if you like cause its cheap then buy,next time your health got problem like whose problem leh, is yours lor, you tthink the goevernment will care so much, wait long la pls, the government hack care de okay!

  12. but since now there isnt any news about that right? like got ppll eat le, eat abit then go hospital le meh?, no right, even its long time then will have the so call side effect or what, as long we dont consume it always, theres nth wrong la, haha

  13. If GM food is really the solution..
    then one day the vegetarians
    will hav nth to eat o.o
    as it contains animal gene n all .
    anyway i wouldnt want to eat such strange food

  14. yeah lor, i agree with the guy, like this the vegetarians eat what?!, you cant force them to eat right?, haha, i wont eat too!

  15. if u wan something u hav to
    giv something of the equal value..
    wat can u expect from vege that are produced with lesser soil, water, and energy.
    i so wouldnt eat that

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. yeayea, i think i wouldnt want to eat gm food, cause it is so omg la, but there is some ppl that eat it le, we cant stop them from eating or what mah, some pple are like being force by their parents thats why we cant do anything(:

  18. O.M.G, i didnt realise that
    im eating GM food X.x
    its safe right?
    i think i should stop consuming it

  19. haha, i think you shouldnt stop consuming it, i guess, you know why, since you eat it sosososo long le, then why not continue eating right

  20. hmm.. about what Aloysius said..
    u never know whether anything would happen
    if u continue to consume gm food o.o

  21. about what Lexa says but it doesnt mean thAT there is for sure something that is bad there that will harm us right?, till now there isnt anyone being shown to get any illness due to consuming of gm food?

  22. Aloysius, about wat u said again..
    GM crops have allergenic
    effect to some people,
    and this could cause something even bigger..
    u see..

  23. oh okay, but i think thats,since it will affect some ppl and this some ppl maybe quite big, so i think we shouldnt consume it yea?

  24. LOL, Alex.. u dun hav to make a big fuss abt it.
    if GM food is dangerous..
    u wouldnt be here posting ur comment now, haha

  25. yeah, that was what i think also, like anytime you might say byebye to the world like this haha

  26. Maybe not eating GM food is the best choice

  27. Actually, it's pretty simple. Blame humans for being too damn clever, inventing such stuff. Organic food is hard to grow, without the use of pesticides and modified soil, which is why organic food is expensive. Because it's natural. Maybe, if they ban GM food, organic food will be the only option so the price of organic goods will surely go down and it'll be affordable.

  28. If i'm not wrong, people have DIED consuming GM food. So it's bad

  29. Oh I just read that even meat was genetically modified to taste better? They say it improves animal's health but it's more likely the other way. Broiled chickens are fed with food that makes them go fatter and bigger when they're usual chick to chicken time taken is like more then 4 months. But the food and injections make them grow bigger, however they are still chicks, making their organs not able to grow at the same speed. So a lot of chickens die due to heart failure and such. They grow too big for their feet to carry them and most legs get broken. It's funny they say it was of benefit for the animals. It's all plain bullshit

  30. Yeah, bullshitting, us humans are selfish, accept the fact. I think I'll go kick myself now.
